Wissen & Tipps

Bitte beachtet die Versandkosten der einzelnen Partner

Gewinnspiel: 10 x 1 Morosche Suppe von Paws & Patch!

Wir verlosen unter allen Bestellungen 10 x 1 Morosche Suppe von Paws & Patch! Aktion gilt bis zum 30. April 2024! Einfach Häkchen beim Bezahlen setzen, schon seid ihr mit dabei. Viel Glück!


How can I order from Kräutergilde GmbH?

1. Put products in the shopping cart. 
Select the products that you want to order by clicking on the “Add to shopping cart” button. This will put the selection in the shopping cart. You can change the shopping cart at any time before submitting your order. By clicking the button “Checkout” or “Proceed to the next step” you will get to the next step of the order.
Please note that you can fill the shopping cart with goods from different manufacturers. Each manufacturer calculates its own shipping costs.

2. Checkout / Next step
Please log in with your email address and password. Not a customer yet? Then you can either create a customer account or continue as a guest, your data will be collected, processed and used in compliance with data protection regulations ( data protection notice ). Any other use or disclosure to third parties will not take place. 

If you are already logged in, the shipping costs per manufacturer are now displayed, you may have to select a shipping method per manufacturer. By clicking the “Next” button you will get to the next step in the order process.

3. Check shipping address / select
shipping method Please have a look at the exact shipping costs per manufacturer here. At this point, please also check your shipping address.

Check billing address  Now check your billing address and select the desired payment method. By clicking the “Next” button you will get to the next step in the order process.

5. Complete the order process / terms and conditions and cancellation policy

Please check the selected products, the shipping and billing address and your contact details again. Check whether all the information is correct and please read the general terms and conditions and the cancellation policy of the individual manufacturers carefully. You can only proceed with the order if you agree to the terms and conditions and the cancellation policy (tick the box). By clicking the “Buy now” button, your order will be sent to us and our payment service provider secupay. You are submitting a legally binding offer.

You will receive an order confirmation from us, subject to the acceptance of the selected payment method by secupay. As soon as secupay has accepted the payment method for your order, the order will actually be placed. You will receive a corresponding email about this.

6. Execute payment

 Depending on the selected payment method, you will now e.g. B. forwarded to your bank. Your order will only actually be placed after you have successfully selected and accepted the payment method.

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Kräutergilde Gewinnpiel!

Unter allen Bestellern bis 31. Juli 2024 verlosen wir 2 x Bäralis Haut-Talent & Hydro-Gel (je 250 ml) sowie je 1 x Snögg Animal Soft Tierverband in orange & grün. Bitte beachtet unsere Teilnahmebedingungen.